
Basic Guidelines to buy a property

Buying a property process is very lengthy and unfamiliar to the layman, especially first-time buyers, it is best to do a thorough research before embarking on a maiden property-buying journey. 1. Determine your budget The first thing you need to do is to take into consideration all the costs involved and determone how much you can afford. 2. Loan Eligibility Talk to your bank, give them all the necessary documents and let them process your application. They will normally be able to tell you how much loan you will qualify for. Once you know this, work backwards to determine the price range of the property you can comfortably afford. 3. Earnest Deposit If you are buying a property from the secondary market, you will need to pay an initial deposit of two or three per cent of the purchase price as the earnest deposit. This is usually payable once negotiations are complete and the estate agent issues you an offer letter. 4. Solicitors'fee Once this is done, your sol

Three most valuable lessons from your working experience

1. Keep your attitude in check and have a learning approach to everything Your work-life will be fraught with complications, irritations and a multitude of problems. You will have to deal with other people, and that always creates complexities. Do not attempt to fake your attitude. You will fail, even if you are an Oscar-worthy performer. The cornerstone of the right attitude at work is your willingness to be an energy giver. Remind yourself to be helpful even if it does not profit you immediately. Understand how to respect others, especially when they annoy you. Learn to be committed to your word. And, when you make mistakes, admit them and own up. Tell your boss what you learnt, and how you will do it differently the next time. 2. Manage your emotions with your bosses, especially if you are led by high functioning sociopath Interestingly, Robert Hogan, an American psychologist best known for his innovations in personality testing, wrote in his book "Personality and the Fate


1. 当座位越来越乱的时候 为什么你不能维持整洁的办公桌呢?因为混乱正是忙碌的象征,你根本来不及整理,就必须投入新的任务,于是不知不觉,陷入了忙碌>没空整理>工作效率降低>更加忙乱 的恶行循环。 你可以定期检查,留下最近要用的。 要记住, 刚整理完,桌上只能摆到八分满,不论书架或抽屉,最好也都维持约80%的密度,因为新东西增生的速度非常快。 2.沉醉于过去的事迹 其实人容易不知不觉沉醉在从前的丰功伟业中,环顾你的四周,说不定就有这样的主管或资深同事,老爱强调过去的作为,说想当年如何如何。。。 尽管当事人没炫耀的意思,但旁边的人会觉得[又在旧事重提], 如果你曾不自觉常回想从前的事迹,一来表示你还在留恋过去,二来也暴露你的心思不在当下。 最好先试着列出过去的[成功因素], 然后再想想是否也有其他[失败因素]。这样才能推搞成功与失败的真正原因。 当新机会来临时,就用适合的方式来应付。 3.动不动说自己好忙 很多人都会觉得[时间不够用], 因此常听别人说:一定要为妥善利用零碎的时间。 想有效利用时间,首先要预测[自己多半在什么时候会有空档。[空档]通常是伴隨[等待]而生。打开你的行事历,妥善安排原来消磨在等待上的时间吧,等人,等电车。。。这些都是属于你的空档。 4.你决定了自己的格局与界限 前所未有的风与光。前人无法达到的记录,就像渺无人跡的境界。是否能打开那扇门的关键,正是自己的决心。只要相信[我可以超越现在的自己], 就能迈向前所未有的境界。记录与对手无关,而是超越自己的界限。真正怀抱梦想的人,会相信[我办得到],并且竭尽所能去尝试。如果遇到挫折,就想想那些努力超越自己,不断刷新记录的奥运选手吧。 5.什么事都自己一手包办 凡事亲自出马,表示你在工作上处处慎重的心态。但是,有时也要退一步想想。。你可以将这件事委托他人啊。 考虑委托的对象时,首先要从对方能不能做到作为先决条件。其次是,自己亲自处理或委托他人,所能达到的完成度与时间,效率等。也就是比较自己跟对方的能力与程度。这种[分辨等级]的思考方式,非常重要。你正好也可以藉此检视自己的能力与程 度 。 [凡事自己来]这件事本身问题不大,真正的问题在于:不假思索,没有去想工作究竟是什么,只是一味执行。 6. 坚持自我 手机或电器会附上说明书,但职场却没有教战手册。因此,很容

Exit the wimpy leader

1. Afraid to be open about things Wimpy leader is not comfortable with sharing information with others. He communicates in such a subtle and obtuse manner His message is so vague  that people miss or misinterpret it. He is afraid to be open because he views people one suspious lot. 2. Avoiding addressing disciplinary issues Wimpy leader approaches it in an irresolute and wavering manner. He closes an eye to breaches of disciplines, which may include lack of punctuality, abuse of medical leave, procrastination in work and non-compliance of company rules and regulations. Wimpy leader is often good at playing the "good guy" and does not want to be the person to confront his staff about discipline. 3. Take no risk Wimpy leader is a risk adverse person. He analyses the risks and understand the implications and then takes no further action. His staff could come up with an innovative way of distributing the company products faster and cheaper, but he will ignore it as long as t